update update update!!
well, yesterday i had to work, i had to wake up earlyyy. it was horrible. but yeah, so i worked, then got called out to go to the store, and sammi and maura were there tooooo. were husked 1700 ears of corn. it was terrible. but yeah we got a break and went to wilson farms AND WE SAW AJ. it was fun. and thennnnn it was canada day so sammi planned a party for doug, cuz hes canadian. so i went to sams house. doug was the last to get there and the first to leave, oh well i had fun. for alotta the time it was like divided. kinda weird. oh well fun none the less. me sammi maura maggy doug troia piva eric. with that group of people you better know it was fun. haha @ 10:40 me and sam wanted to go swiming. and i had to leave @ 11. haha. yeahh were smart ones. yeahh it was fun. i love how we find random ideas for parties. haha its awesomee. lol i love you guys and we gotta hang out soon again.
and then today olivia and aj both called me like the second i woke up so i hung out with them mosta the day. we went to the ice bridge sat there fer a whilee sat im my backyardd went to ads baseball game played add on, and just had insane fun. : D yeahh and im going to 3rd of jjuly tomorrow. pissed a certain person isnt gonna be there, oh wellllllllllll ill liveeee.
piva (such a cutie btw)
maggy as the statue of liberty
maggy n doug. i took one pic, then maggy said she wanted to be closer to him, so she had me take it again, she looked happy he looked miserable
and today
ashdaskj yeah
i had fun.