- Recently I've been getting more and more pissed off at everything. Sometimes I just want to empty a round [or 6] into some people.
- Recently I've been want to empy a round [or 6] directly into my own head.
- "Things will get better" ...............still waiting........still waiting......been waiting. Things never get better for people like me. We are the angry people, we are the silent people, we are the loud people, we are the counterculture.
- Parents still insist I fix the barely legal, but that could cost double what she is worth or as much as a decent car. Can't get a car anyway, credit is too bad.
- Coors light isn't really that good, honesly.
- I'm so fucking angry all the time now.
- Theoritically, I should have had something go right in my life by now.
- I have never really honestly considered killing myself as a means of effective end until now. I would rather be dead then to see the dissappointed look on the faces of those who are close to me when then realize what a loser I am.
If I live to come out on top, I will no doubt shit on all those who have tried to trip me up.
- My Parents
- The Government
- Corporate America
My life lacks any forward momentum.
I want to quit college more than anything - too much bullshit, not enough results.
You have to be extremely rich or poor to afford college. Or have parents who believe in you.