home work!

Dec 12, 2008 02:45


Alphabet (n): coming from the Greek ALPHA and BETA
Alpha: 1) The first letter in the Greek alphabet. 2) The beginning or the first of something.
Beta: 1) The second letter in the Greek Alphabet. 2) The second of any series.
Thus an alphabet is: a set collection of characters that have a predetermined order. These characters can be arranged in varying orders to express different ideas in a more permanent way than oral tradition. Characters can be based on common objects or well known historical symbols to help the users commit them to memory.

Audience (n): 1) A predetermined demographic that an art form targets ex: Wallmart has changed their logo to a yellow flower to target a more environmentally friendly audience. 2) A random collection of people drawn to a central location to experience something collectively ex: We went to the bar to hear the poets read. I ended up reading my hot-dog poem to the drunken audience. 3) An existing or imagined person kept in mind during the creation of a work of art.

Letter (n): 1) A character created to symbolize a specific sound. Depending on the alphabet the shape can represent an object beginning with that sound or can be visually akin to the physical reaction of making the sound. 2) A collection of thoughts arranged and sent a great distance to one other person, such as a love letter.

Line (n): 1) A device used in poetry to create space for the reader’s personal associations and to create multiple implied meanings. 2) A unit of thought that isn’t restricted by the concept of a proper sentence. 3) An idea occupying the length of a single breathe.

Meaning (n): 1) a philosophical concept created or sought out by each individual to justify existence. 2) The ultimate goal of creation. 3) The thing pretentious persons seek out in other’s art.

Phoneme (n): The quality and variety of sounds within a language that the human body can produce.

Poem (n): 1) A moment or feeling committed to paper in an aesthetically interesting manor. 2) “A pause, a rose, something on paper” (Hejinian, My Life, 7).

Performance (n): An exposure of self to an audience as small as one other or as large as the world.

Prose (n): A specific writing style done in block or paragraph form.

Rhythm (n): 1) The natural stressing and unstressing within words when spoken out loud. Often utilized by poets and writers to induce specific mood or trance state in an audience. 2) The pace naturally taken by a subject based on their own sense of breath.

Sentence (n): 1) A unit of thought only completed when an action and subject at very least have been presented. 2) Indicates a sense of completion in a thought, action or judgment.

Syllable (n): The comfortable and pleasant sounding breaks within a word. Some times these breaks occur in places that give the word further depth and the speaker insight ex: break-fast.

Word (n): 1) A collection of letters used symbolize an object, emotion or idea. 2) An agreed term for all things communicated so as to attempt to be less isolated. 3) A slang term used in agreement as though to say “you said it as true as it could be said.”

Writer (n): A human intent on connecting individuals to one another.

Writing (n): A collection of letters and words that express important concepts.
Writing (V) The act of laying down ideas and needs in the hopes that they will be read, understood and identified with.
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