Nov 18, 2008 15:08
I had a dream I was in Indiana
I woke up in st. Louis
I bought a bus ticket to Indiana
who says dreams don't come true ;)
I'm feeling better. I thought I should update for two reasons. ONE: I don't want you (who ever "you" are) to think that I'm always sad.
TWO: I have nothing to do. I'm in Indiana, I hold myself up in a coffee shop for eight ours a day 'til I come home. I only needed 12 hours to complete ALL my home work for the week.
It is nice to be near Sam. For some reason sleeping next to someone is much more refreshing then sleeping. I need a shower though, sleep isn't that refreshing no matter who you are next to ;)
Since I'm done with my home work I'm going to spend the rest of the week re-reading one of my "favorite" books. The Winter of our Discontent has been on my list of favorite books for so long I have forgotten what was so great about it. I've already cracked forty or so pages of it and am glad I did so. If you ever read it let me know. I'm so smitten with how many cute names the main character has for hist wife. It is actually a little gross at times, but all the same. Love is gross no matter how you dress it up.
okay, that is enough silliness for me.
hope you are all sweller than well.