Wow, has it really been a month?

Jun 06, 2005 20:48

I've been soooo lazy about blogging. It used to be a nice break form studying, but in the summer I don't really feel like interrupting my TV-watching to blog. Here's what happened in the past month:

1. Finished my finals. I hope I did ok, but I'm not really thinking about it much now (though I still check online once in a hwile to see if my grades are posted).

2. Went to Indianapolis to see Jon Stewart with my (now ex-)roomate Brooke.

3. Moved out of FOG. I'll miss that place! I get attached to places I lived in. Really attached. It made me sad to see it all empty. (Don't be be mad, Brooke, I'll miss you too but I know I'll still see you around).

4. Was really dumb about storage, none left when I was looking, luckily classmate and lifesaver Patrick had space for most of my stuff. The rest I packed into my trunk.

5. Drove with Christine from South Bend to Washington DC. Did in in one 12-hour sitting, but it didn't feel as long as I thought it would. Went around DC with Christine, met up with Adele once. Finally took the Supreme Court tour (though it wasn't in session).

6. After Christine left, had one free week before my internship began. Luckily Bravo had a West Wing Marathon. My first chance in FOREVER to zone out, I averaged 9 hours of West Wing per day for at least four days.

7. Started work. Have a lot to say about that, but I heard it's not a good idea to blog about work. I'm enjoying myself, though.

8. Decided that I was absolutley sure I wanted to do the immigration clinic, so I didn't do the writing competition (I'll only have itme for one extra-curric, since I'll be an assistant rector next year).

9. Went to Virginia Beach on Memorial Day weekend.

10. Was planning to go to NY last weekend, but postponed the trip. Wiull probably og this coming weekend.

11. I'm eating a lot and gaining weight.

12. I finally ogt a new cellphone!!!!! This happened before I started work, but I didn't want to go back up and renumber everything. I LOVE my phone. My dad gave it to me as an advanced birthday gift. He just wanted a reason to give it to me. I told him to get me a cheapo used one because I just needed an unlocked phone (phone you buy in Asia are unlocked), but this is a brand new silver small Nokia thing (I forgot the exact model number. Kate it's the same daw as yours). It has little Chinese charaters next to the numbers. And it has a really good camera. I love it, I don't think I'll ever go back to a flip phone. And I think I'll always use Nokia from now on --- it's designed sooo well -- it can read my mind! Very intuitive.

13. To be continued. My sister's picking me up.
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