Only one more exam is standing between Lala and many many beers.
I'm usually tired after my exams, but finishing Crim was like having a huge load lifted off my shoulders. I don't believe I only have one class more to worry about. Yipee . . . I'm internally doing an up up up happy holiday dance.
Oh, it snowed a lot yesterday. Here are some pics of campus from my friend Brendan's blog: Isn't my school pretty???? I think it looks kinda nice in the winter. I don't know why the school likes to pretend it doesn't snow here by putting only springtime pics on its catalogues and stuff.
(The Producers song suddenly popped into my head: "It's springtime, for Hitler, in Germany . . ." )
I know it's going to horribly cold in January-February, but so far it's not as bad as I expected. Plus, I'm really really lucky to not have gotten sick this finals week.