
Oct 08, 2012 20:38

I've never truly believed in the Christian god. There, I've said it. I'm one of "those People". Yes, I believe in... Something. I just don't know what. Perhaps luck?

Saturday, I worked a double from day shift into afternoon shift. For afternoon shift I was sent to the section I had been going to daily up until The end of August. We were doing basic last shift of the week work: supporting the head gate, servicing the shear and pulling belt structure. We had been working in this particular area most of the day and it was where we had been adding extra roof supports for the weekend. The guy I was working with and I passed through this area, as I said, numerous times from 4:45pm till around 9:15 pm, and around this time we noticed the top was getting "heavy" (a very bad sign, obviously) and we went on to do our work. Around 5 minutes later that entire area was on the ground, rendering it completely impassable. Krone (the guy I was working with, dead serious that's his name) came running back to where I was and immediately began calling for people on the loudmouth (a type of communication device we use). When he could get a hold of no one, the two of us went to kick down a wall because right before it fell, he saw lights, I.e people in the area that had just fallen. Everyone was fine, and it's amazing in itself, considering three of them were in the area that fell 5 seconds before it gave out, and were less than 5 feet away from it.
It wasn't anyone but themselves that prevented them from going into that area. They recognized the signs of bad top and quickly backtracked from said signs. And not a moment too soon. Now, what saved them? Their knowledge of top conditions or a fictional being?

All in all, it was frightening and a little unsettling. Life doesn't play favorites.

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