Jan 03, 2011 10:07

 And time goes on ...

It's a mixed place where I am at in life, but not a bad one. Some progress made, which is always good. Resolution for the year is to get my ass out a little more and actually have a social life.

Plus points - I got carded yesterday. That's another good way to start the year. The whole taking serious stock of my life shit will happen when they stop carding.

The work gods have been nice enough to give us a free day, so I'm completely enjoying not having to wake up early and worry about getting ready for work. Plans for the day - go pick up my sweaters from the dry cleaners, get fresh chocolates to top off the bowl at work, groceries, shopping, and then go out and join friends at a pub to watch the Sharks game. Oh, and through it all, enjoy the first lovely, sunny day to happen after a whole week of gloom!

I'm feeling cheerful. I think that's a good start :-)
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