Jul 05, 2011 00:40
To everyone showing off how clever you are by making fun of today's writers' block question:
It's true. Many countries have a specific day upon which they celebrate their independence. We're not the only ones who ever said, "Damn the man!"
♥ All my love, either way! :)
I'll edit this to answer the question since I'm on about it!
Did lots of swimming about and grilling this afternoon. The prerequisite watermelon for the 4th was munched mightily!
This evening I had great fun entertaining 5 year olds while we blew up mortars. When they asked me to sing the national anthem I sang La Marseillaise and they kept protesting, "That's not the national anthem!" and I said "It's A national anthem! It's the French one!" and they thought that was funny. Then they told me to sing the REAL one so I said, "How does that go? I don't know the words!" and they did not know, so they told me to sing the French one LOUDER and then it would be alright! Little kids amuse me greatly. Mortars are very pretty. BOOM!