Beware the small appliance selling zombie. They are the worst kind.

Sep 20, 2006 17:10

So my last 12 hour day is about half over and I'm pretty worn out. You see, Will went on vacation and Sean got sick so I haven't gotten a day off since Tuesday of last week. That's eight days in a row... I'm so spent. I've become a sort of small appliance zombie.
My vitality has been drained and once my constitution drops to zero, I will be one of the undead. I feel like i'm only half here already. Yeah, thats how bad I feel.

One the plus side I've been working with Colleen and was nice enough to let me leave early yesterday and today. Which is good. Thanks, Colleen.

So I know you don't have the internet, but I don't have you're phone number so hopefully you will see this.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LISA BANE. LOVE YA! heh.

So even though I feel like complete shit, I am not totally destroyed. I know that I only have a couple hours before I get out of the hellhole and have three glorious days off. I can't wait to sleep in. Oh man. It will be great.

So Im out for right now.
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