I hope those of you who celebrated Christmas had a merry one.
For a while there I thought I could escape December without coming down with what I've started calling my traditional December cold. No such luck! It came just in time for Christmas. This year I didn't get any of the fannish stuff on my wishlist, but I got all the baking stuff. Two gluten-free dessert cookbooks, a vegan cookies cookbook, and a cupcake corer/decorating set. Obviously people are sending me a message. My brother-in-law's wife provided the vegan cookies book and said it was the most self-serving gift she'd ever given. I told her it was fine since I'd asked for it! I'm not a vegan, for the record, but I'm interested in trying out vegan desserts.
For Yuletide this year I received two stories! Glancing at them again now, I don't think either of them has received even half of the attention they deserve. The first is
Infinite Distances Halved, an Andrea-centered Walking Dead story that I love, love, love. It's a quick well-characterized read that packs a beautiful punch. The second is the treat I received today,
Keep Running, a wonderfully written character piece about Sarah Linden from The Killing. I love them, guys.
This is my quietest Yuletide as far as feedback goes, but I expected that. I wrote in tiny fandoms this year, plus the treat I wrote was... well, I think it was sort of an acquired taste on a few different levels, but most of those had to do with the request itself. Hopefully the recipient will read it and like it.
As for livejournal, I'm not impressed by recent developments. I've been spending some time exploring dreamwidth in a way I didn't when I first signed up a few years ago, and since I didn't have anything in my original DW account worth writing home about, I went ahead and registered this name there. I've spent so long getting used to being referred to as
lostinapapercup on livejournal that having a journal with a different name on dreamwidth just felt weird. (As an aside, I've recently discovered that lostinapapercup is much more popular as a username than it was when I first started using it. I don't use this name anywhere but here and dreamwidth, and I can assure you that I'm not involved with Twilight fanfic.) I don't know what I'll do with the previous account I'd made, but for now I'm going to crosspost under this name on both sites. I no longer feel much affection toward LJ; the problem has always been finding fandom outlets elsewhere, and while DW is loved by fandom in general, it's never seemed to be where the action is.
What else? Tomorrow (or later today, heh) we go back home, and at this point I'm probably just going to huddle under blankets and nurse this cold for most of the week. Maybe I'll finally get to read some Yuletide stories that weren't written for me.
And for what it's worth, my
holiday offer is still wide open through the end of the day on January 1st!
This entry is also posted at
http://lostinapapercup.dreamwidth.org/123076.html. Replies welcome on either site.