Feb 19, 2005 22:11
since everyone seems to be doing it...
>> leave your name and ill tell you what i think..honestly<<
p.s--i was just thinking...i think the thing i hate the most is when people stop talking. I just dont understand it, i mean if there is a reason to then thats understandable..but what about the people who just loose interest in eachother or find better likings in someone else. In a way it seems like they become to good for the old in the presence of the new. If you really think about it, there is a reason why you started talking to them so why does it fade. People have a large problem with committment and i dont understand it, if you never want to commit to things why begin them in the first place if they will just end later on right? This probably isnt making too much sense but ive just been really confused lately about alot.