Feb 06, 2009 13:08
im so epically frustrated with this job thing.
i know i need to look harder, but its difficult to find the motivation when jobs you think you for sure have, dont call you back.
i had to bring in a model 2 days ago, and when the lady checked the cut she seemed really impressed. and she told me shed call me. but hasnt yet. i dunno if i need to be more patient, or what, but this is hard.
i want to get out of little ceasars so bad, and everytime i get close i get stomped on.
other things are well tho, i met a boy :) his name is justin and hes amazing, and very excited to see where this leads. hes so much more mature than any other guy ive met, but still like goofy and stuff. i know im not ready to be in an actual relationship yet, but it could definetly go there :)