Jan 01, 2008 11:41
all i have to say is..
what a rediculous way to start 08 lol
lets recap on 07.
that was also rediclous.
turned 18.
added a new chapter to the KM Saga.
got an ok part in pirates. good show!! loved it!
put popcorn down. :(
got an ok part in South Pacific.
*drama in drama!*
grandma died :(
best friend went a away to europe.
*went more crazy*
had summer vaca for a month.
started cos school. crazyness
got a job at kroger.
people left for college.
sucked majorly
got closer with wasser and sandy.
Get Smart!
at some point me and mike broke up.
thought it was for the best.
things got confusing with christian.
things stopped being confusing with christian.
*new Boy!!*
met mark at work.
Fridays = love
messed things up with mark
things confusing with mike. (as always)
very condensed version of my year.
learned alot about myself.
my limits
my capabilities
grew up alot.
New Years Resolutions.
~be more confrontational with my issues.
~take better care of myself, emotionally and physically.
(aka work out.)
~get more money in my bank account.
hopefully this year will be as good as the last.
so far this has been proven wrong.
but weve only had 2 days.
so it should get better in the next 363 days lmao
Happy New Years everyone!
I love you all with a passion unspeakable.