(no subject)

Jul 03, 2005 08:42

Yesterday, Cameron showed up at my house & was all "my mom got me fireworks, let's go blow stuff up!" & instictively I said, "OK!" So yeah, we went by a couple construction sites, then we were hot so we went to Shell & bought Lost Energy Drinks. They are awesome. Then we went to some abandoned restaurant by the river. There were people at the marina though. So we were really hot so we went over to his aunt's house & got drinks. Then We went to the woods over there. That's when we started shooting bottle rockets at each other. But when we were about to leave. I picked up my bike, AND IT CUT ME! I was like "wtf?" and yeah, I bled for a little while. Then we went over by Lochmoor & shoot off stuff by the mud & got all dirty & then I came home & took a shower. Wow. What a day & to think Cameron & I didn't kill anyone, or ourselves.
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