The newest extension of my brain

Oct 11, 2005 00:40

Well, I bombed my Oceanography test. I don't understand how I can study SO hard for a test and still fail, it's rediculous. I do really well on my homework, I understand everything in class, but when they put a test in front of me..I blank. Do you guys have any study tips?

Started on my new book tonight, I'm so happy the way the last one turned out. I actually bought the cutest little leather journal with flower stitching on it, but i'm going to save it for a special occasion. I really like this one too, of course. It reminds me of the journal in that movie Cruel Intentions. Anyways, a few pictures behind the cut. I literally just started, but let me know what you think.

Me and my new dark hair! I don't really look that pale, blame it on the photo quality. Shirt says "Brunettes get better grades". Harhar.

My sloppy handwriting. Pleh.

"Gotta be down because I want it all", she was suppose to look all annorexic and ill.

"Obviously doctor, you've never been a thirteen year-old girl" -The Virgin Suicides.

Me ranting about my stupid test grade. GAAHD(#@($H$(^.

My favorite picture of me and my dog who died two months ago. It says "I am sorry" in french at the top.

I love working on journals, it's SO relaxing for me. Major de-stressor, I adore it. I came upstairs the other day and saw my mother flipping through my newest sketch book and she was so enthrawled with all of the random quotes and weird doodles and crazy shit I tend to sketch. She said "Shit, it's extension of your brain or something." Pretty much! Thanks for looking guys. :)

The weirdest thing happened the other night while talking to this handsome fellow on cam, he actually pointed out some of my little mannerisms that I had asbolutely no idea that I did. I shrug my shoulders in a very innocent manner when someone compliments me. I pout my lips when I flirt. I put my hands to my mouth when i'm nerveous. Then for some strange reason, I bite at ONLY my thumb nail..but no other, lol. I THINK that's the extent of my little quirks, but he could be holding out to spare me any further embarassment. Not that i'm embarassed, I like it actually. I need to pick up on OTHER peoples mannerisms. Anyways, I couldn't believe this, but what I couldn't believe even more is that someone actually noticed these things about me. Fascinating I say, fascinating!
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