Oct 22, 2002 15:15
I think that live journal is a good thing. The program kinda sucks and someimes people get mad at it but over i is a good thing.
I think most people write in live jornal only to vent depression. Some people only write to express depression that they want to share with people but are affraid to make it any better by talking it over. These people need to be depressed so people will comfort them. They just want alittle love. Its not a bad thing but people who NEED to be depressed isn't a good thing. They tear themselves apart.
I think some people use live journal to communicate things that they are afraid to say to somes face or afraid to deal with directly so they make it generalized and kinda hope you understand or guess the right problem thay are having.
Then i think there are those who like to share alittle of their life to thier friends by writting in this so u can express feeling with out sending 20 people the same email. These people keep it about themselves with out showing depression all the time or show how hard it is to overcome thier depression. They write about their day and about how things are going but not always how depressed they are.
But sometimes people who only write once in a while write when they are depressed to vent. It makes them feel good and makes it feel like someone listens when alot of people listen they just dont open their eyes to see who is there.
Nobody is wrong and their is no right way to use live journal, all of them are right as long as its you talking.
Good Quote - "Depression is a mindset, self made self owned"