"My dream is to fly, so high, over the rainbow..."

Jan 13, 2008 02:27

Weird ass song, and I've heard it EVERY single time I have been out at clubs in this country so far. "Rise Up" by Yves Larock.

Today in the afternoon went to a Bazaar at this place called Koti, and shopped a bit for about 4 hours. Bought a couple cool things and walked around. It was freaking hot though, 90s already. Only going to get hotter, which sucks.

Went to an Indian Ballet cus we got free tickets. Beautiful. It was the love story of Rama and Sita told through a traditional Indian dance form called "Kuchipudi".

Came home ate, my friends talked me into going out AGAIN. If you watch futurama you'll get this, but I had told everyone before dinner that I felt like Slurms McKenzie from the Slurm Episode of Futurama, bc I was so tired of partying haha. Yet of course they convinced me. We first went to this place called "Touch", but they were giving us a bad time and hassling us. Apparently we weren't beautiful enough to be there. It is were all the "beautiful" people in Hyderabad go to stand around and be cool and "beautiful". The indian people we were there with didn't like it very much either. Our friend Jill Introduced us to her friend, Vijay, aka "Dj Jay". He told us about this other pretty exclusive club that was hot on Saturdays. He wasn't going to go there right away, but since our friend Jill wanted to ditch us, Vijay told us to drop his name and they would let us in.

So we leave "Touch" and go to the five star hotel, the "Taj Krishna" and walk underground through a bunch of random corridors and get to a door with the clubs named on it, called "Ahula". There are 4 large bouncers there all dressed in black just giving us death stares. We definently didn't look rich enough, trendy enough, or posh enough, to get into this club haha. All the Indians walking in were super clean cut, and european looking. Lots of westerns too, all on the arms of these rich looking indian men.

Justin walks up and goes, "we have a booking at "Dj Jays table". Bam. It was like magic. All of a sudden they were like, "of course, right this way sir. Right this way Miss". Haha. Its sad to say, but it kinda helps that we are westerners. We can kinda pass for rich, as long as we are clean cut ish, because of the exchange rate on our dollar and our rich stereotype. The club was insane and had a live DJ that was so good. We danced from 10 30 till 1 30 am. Techno, hip hop, remixs, bollywood remixs, indian techno, indian pop remixs, etc you name it. And everyone was super "hip" and every drink was expensive, for indian standards. Thats why we didn't end up drink that night haha, just dancing. Met a lot of cool people though and probably burned a lot of calories dancing.
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