Lots of Work...

Mar 29, 2012 10:14

But depressingly little writing getting done. Oh, well. I know I've been quiet the last few days, been *so* busy. But, it's my hope that between now and the end of the weekend I can get Presence (Sherlock/John) finished, finish the Sherlock/John smut I started, start the Sherlock/John/Lestrade smut that's been running through my head, get my PA Steampunk (original fic) typed into the computer, and read some Molly/Irene in preparation for the action/adventure plot-y Molly/Irene, Sherlock/John, (possibly Mycroft/Lestrade) fic that's now starting to nibble on my brain. Eep? *cackles* All of that, will, hopefully, be my weekend.

So what have y'all been up to?

life, random, update

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