Mar 01, 2012 09:37
Hello everybody! Yeah, yeah, I know it's been pretty much forever. Couple years? God, time flies quickly. However, I'm hoping to be back. A lot has happened over the last while (had bad reactions to medicine, published books, moved back to New Orleans, went back to school, discovered Sherlock!) and I'm so freakin' busy. Way, way too busy. I've also become a complete and total hermit (okay, not total, but it feels that way some days) and I miss you guys like crazy. Still have a bunch of cats and the Fiance. Still pretty bonkers. :-D
I need to spruce things up around here (looks around at poor neglected LJ) and update my email and... Lots of stuff. Also, I totally need to rebuild my network of awesome, so anybody have any good Sherlock recs? Fic, communities, anything! :-D
I injured my back recently (it's taking *forever* to heal, probably because I keep pushing it. *sigh*) so I've kinda, um, been writing loads of Sherlock fic. *hangs head* I didn't *mean* to, but... Well, if anybody understands it's you guys, right? :-D So, in addition to general recs of awesomeness, I'm looking for betas and brit-pickers!
Here's what I've got so far:
Stimulus and Response - Sherlock/John, all humor and smut, 5,000 words
A Preference for Texting - Sherlock/John, all text fic, 7,000 words
Presence - Sherlock/John (seeing a pattern, yet? :-D), slightly moody, 2,500 words Sorted!
And there's... Well, several thousand (almost 20,000 in fact) more words on different fics that will, eventually, need betas and brit-pickers as well. Anyone interested? I hate posting things in bits and pieces, so I'm waiting until the fics are done to even consider betas/posting. I just don't like leaving people hanging, you know?
So, in conclusion: Hi! :-D