Ficlet: Getaway, Giles/Wesley, PG

Aug 16, 2006 18:01

This one is in response to bethynyc's Watcherlove prompts from last week.  Took me a little while to finish it and there's still two more to come!  ::laughs::

The sand was silver white in the moonlight and the waves did indeed crash upon the shore with a rhythm like a heartbeat.  Giles had picked this destination for its beauty and it lived up to all expectations in that regard.  It was quiet, terribly romantic, and so set apart from everything that they'd had to rent a pickup truck just to get out to the house they'd rented.

It was also infested with Kersnarc demons.

"You've got blood on your shoe," Wesley said, giving Giles a small smile.  Giles let out a snort of laughter, unable to resist the humor sparkling in Wesley's eyes.  Stepping over the gory remains of one such demon, Giles went to Wesley, laying his forehead against his lover's.

"I'm so sorry, love," he said, still giggling softly.

"I understand," Wesley said, tilting his head to brush their lips together.  "It's hard to find a good vacation spot these days."

Prompts: Our boys travel someplace exotic; pickup, gory, understand

rated:pg/frt, ficlet/drabble, fic, giles/wesley, btvs fic

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