Oct. Ficathons/Challenges and such...

Oct 14, 2010 10:11

We need more fics!

from passion_perfect - Challenge: Mirror, Mirror
  - 9th Oct, 2010 to Friday, 10th December

Welcome to the Mirror 'Verse

Imagine a dark and tantalising mirror, through which the world is both the same and totally different to the one you've come to know; the pious and proper school teacher is reflected back as a hell raising harlot and politicians are seen as saints. It is a universe where all we know has been subverted and although the people you meet will seem familiar they are in most ways the opposite of what you thought to be true.

via booklover81 - Bechdel Test Comment Fic-a-thon

A comment fic-a-thon devoted to the interactions between your favorite female characters.

Yuletide is upon us again!

yuletide_admin - Fandom Nominations for Yuletide 2010 Are Now Open!
  - posted:13 October 2010 @ 11:29 am

ficathon, !promo

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