28 Season 3 Icons

Jan 14, 2013 17:19

I thought I was done with iconning now that Sanctuary is gone, I thought I wouldn't make icons anymore. But I can't stay away from iconning pretty ladies being pretty together, especially when there aren't a ton of other Lost Girl icon makers out there (what is wrong with you people?! They give us a canon couple making sex on-screen and you can't make icons? THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE CANON!).

So here are 28 icons from the first two episodes of "Lost Girl" Season 3. No teasers since neither episode has aired on SyFy yet (never you mind, that question that just occurred to you), but they mostly feature Bo, Lauren, Kenzi, or Bo/Lauren. I have my priorities. When other people start making Bo/Lauren icons by the dozen, then maybe I'll slip a Dyson or Hale into the bunch. ~g~

Bo is Back, Bitches!

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