2011 FemSlashCon Fandom Panels - We want your votes

May 08, 2011 23:43

FemSlashCon Fandom Poll

from the 2011 FemSlashCon team:

The 2011 FemSlashCon, the only fully online Con devoted to all things femslash, is fast approaching on July 16 and 17. The committee has been hard at work creating panels and we need your input. Select the link that best matches your time zone and help select the fandoms that will be represented by panels this year. There’s a long list to choose from, but with so many available it would be impossible not to miss a few in making the list. If your particular favorites aren’t there just add them in the text box and they’ll be counted when the results are totaled. Feel free to link the poll to your favorite community or archive, with moderator permission, of course. Thanks so much and we hope to see you all at FemSlashCon this year.

So pick your timezone, check your favourite fandoms, and click Vote Now

x-posted to bop_femslash  ficsanspaper

!idf, user:sansreads, !promo, !mod-post

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