Icons: 35 Bo, Lauren, Kenzi (and variations on that theme)

Jan 01, 2011 16:38

I posted a Bo/Lauren/Kenzi fic, and a lot of people were shocked I was even watching the show. The main indicator that I watch something, other than fic, is icons. I hadn't made a single icon of Lost Girl, despite having the caps. Mainly Sanctuary got in the way. I couldn't leave Helen Magnus uncapped! So I decided that it was high time I made a set. There are 35 icons in this set, so have at 'em! If you want to use the blank ones as bases, feel free. :D I just like to see what you do to them so I can oooh and ahhh. :D

Want, take, comment, have! And, um, a few of them are borderline NSFW. ~g~

Click on any of the teasers to be transported to the main post on my journal. :D



picspam:lauren, picspam:bo, user:geonncannon, picspam:kenzi, icons

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