I am sorry for continuing to bother you with my letters, but I hope you are alright. I never heard back from you after I sent you those cookies, so I was not sure what to think, but I am afraid that something might have happened to you, or that one of our letters may have been intercepted. Bitte, if you can, write back to me so I know you are alright? I am trying my best to do as you would wish me to do, and so I am trying to keep my chin up and stay busy, but it is so hard to do with thoughts of the loss of you weighing on my soul. So I really hope you are doing well. Herr Hughes seems to think you are; he dropped your case, and you are up for a review that may cancel your house arrest in about a week. So... if it is at all possible, and if you are healthy and well... Return to me? Nobody is going to chase you, and it is increasingly likely that you will have all the freedom you want. You can return home, and we can maybe start to work on that airplane like you wanted to do, or work on the transporter and find a way to go home. Anything you like, really. All you have to do is let me know.
Katrinelje and I both miss you deeply. And I love you with all my heart.
Gluttony? I know this is bothersome to you, but may I ask you one more small favor?
((Oh and hey! I keep forgetting to say this with every letter. But once again, this is written in German. I know I forgot to specify on the last two, so I guess those were written in Amestrian, but I just keep forgetting to say that. XD;
Also, there were logs. Maybe when I'm less sleepy I'll edit this and point them out.))