Title: Survival Instinct
Rating: PG
Pairing: Just Sun. :)
Warning: Spoilers for "The Long Con".
Sun wished she could say something dramatic, like her entire life passed before her eyes when she felt that bag over her head. The truth of the matter was, that wasn’t what had happened at all. It’s difficult for your life to pass before your eyes when your survival instincts are the first things to kick in.
She wasn’t strong. She wasn’t big. She knew she couldn’t fight off…whoever it was attacking her. But she tried. She fought and she kicked and she screamed and she pulled. Because she had to try.
All of her life, everyone had tried to lay everything out for her. They believed she was incapable of doing anything for herself. If she showed the slightest bit of independence, her parents would shake their heads and sigh. Even Jin had been like that at times. She didn’t believe he thought she was weak, but that did not keep him from treating her that way.
When it came right down to it, deep inside, Sun believed she had always been fighting. She fought for respect. She fought for love. And she fought for her life. Because succeeding wasn’t the point. It wasn’t what she lived for. She lived to be her own person. And the person that she was, the person that she made herself, fought hard. No matter what.
She sat straight up, with a backache, a headache, a general ache in just about every part of her body. She blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the sun and the light flooding in around her.
A slow smile crept across her face. She had done it. She had survived.