I claimed Charlie and Claire over on
50_darkficsTitle: I’ll Be Watching You
Author: Ellin/
sapphire_childFandom: Lost
Characters: Charlie, Aaron, mentions of Claire and Kate
Prompt: 5. Lost haven
Word Count: 1523
Rating: PG
Spoilers: up to and including 4x04 (but based on speculation and spoilers only!)
Summary: He watches Aaron for Claire. He watches Aaron because he can’t let go. He watches Aaron because he’s always loved him. And even though he knows that he can’t stay with him, he can’t help but yearn to reach out for the child who once loved him as a father.
Disclaimer: Lost isn’t mine and neither are The Police from whom I stole the title of my fic from. I listened to “I’ll Be Watching You” on a continuous loop while I wrote this. The picture of the little boy in the header is from a stock photography site.
Author's Note: written for
lostfichallenge #56: free for all
Every breath you take, every move you make, every step you take, I’ll be watching you... )