Title: Spaces Between Us
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #63. UC Pairings
Word Count: 2716
Characters/Pairings: Penny/Claire, mentions of Desmond, Charlie, and Papa Widmore.
Summary: Sometimes, Penny had to wonder if maybe Fate brought Claire to her in more than just the obvious way.
Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine. Wouldn't know what to do with if it was.
A/N: Me? Write the same character for every challenge I enter? MADNESS. (Granted, even Penny was giving me trouble when it came down to figuring out what to do with this challenge.)
And that was how, one year later, Claire Littleton wound up on the moth eaten couch beside her in that same dimly lit, smoky back room, flipping through page after page of research of one kind or another, searching for a clue that might lead them to wherever Desmond was being kept.