not dead

Sep 04, 2004 02:41

Hey everyone. I am not dead,I'm just in arizona. Not much to say i am taking organic chemistry which is pretty easy so far but i can only assume will later rape my poor pathetic chemistry self, then im taking microbiology: microbial life- sounds fun IS fun, intro to psych-possible the easiest course ever, and lastly im taking german again, good times.

So besides that it is really fucking hot here ALL the time. 5 am 90 degrees, 1 am 90 degrees, 10 pm 95 degrees, noon 100+, its fucking insane, i miss the cold sometimes. After seeing the west coast, i want to go back east for med-school.

I am probably going to join tikes next semester, i have no money for it this semester, my brother shawn is in them here and i like them. living with meg is fun, we cook dinner, go out, go to class, sleep together, fun stuff.

Our apartment is sweet(and expensive) and there are parties here EVERY night, it kinda sucks, but ehhhh w/e. well its 250am so i think i will just take a shower and stay up all day/night/day. mmmmmm cap'n crunch with crunch berries for breakfast. does it still count as breakfast if you don't sleep? cuz really your not really fasting ehhh ohh well.

it's weird i paid 2 dollars for a half a month for the desert...something is wrong with that.

i need a desk
and a dog
that doesnt bite

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