Aug 24, 2006 15:59

For Photoshop CS2.

I think it's pretty long so sorry~ ^^ I made it for shuyin_lover. ♥ Tried to go step by step and in detail and stuff.


I started out with this cap of Kohei/Bussan and Yukke from Kisarazu Cat's Eye: Nihon Series. Crop it, sharpen it. Just prepare your base~

Next~ three new layers [SHIFT+CTRL+N]. Fill the first with #191367. Then set to Exclusion at 70%. Fill the second layer with #e7e1d3 and set to Multiply at 100%. Then the third layer with #62938d and set to Softlight at 100%.
[ See? ]

Download this set of curves. [Right click → Save Link As... ] Then go to Layer → New Adjustment Layer → Curves... Click Load... and select the downloaded set of curves then click OK. Set to Softlight at 100%

Create a new layer and fill it with #0a1241 and set to Exclusion at 100%. Go back to your base, duplicate it [CTRL+J], drag to the top and set to Softlight at 100%, then duplicate that layer and set the opacity to 30%

Make another new layer and fill it with #99c1df then set to Softlight at 100%. Create another new layer and fill it with #191367, set to Exclusion at 70%. Remember the last layer with our base? (The Softlight/30% one?) Well, duplicate that and bring it to the top.

Create another new layer. Fill with #e7e1d3 and set to Multiply at 100%. Duplicate your base, drag it to the very top and set to Soft Light at 100% Then Image → Adjustments → Channel Mixer, click 'Monochrome' then OK.

For the Kadajillionth time; create a new layer and fill it with #50682e, set to Softlight 100%. New layer again, fill with #af97d1 at Softlight 100%. New layer, fill with #090c2a set to Exclusion 100%.

Again; Download This set of Curves. Layer → New Adjustment Layer → Curves... Click Load... and select the second downloaded set of curves then click OK. Set to Softlight at 100%. Create a new layer and fill with #62938d, set to Softlight 100%.

Download this set of Curves. Again; Layer → New Adjustment Layer → Curves... Click Load... and select the third downloaded set of curves then click OK. Set to Softlight at 100%. Create a new layer; fill with #0a1241, set to Exclusion 100%. Duplicate the base, drag to the top, set to Softlight 100%, Duplicate and set the opacity to 30%.

Create a new layer, fill with #99c1df and set to Softlight 100%. Duplicate the last Softlight/30% Layer and drag to the top. Download this
and then Layer → New Adjustment Layer → Curves... Click Load... and select the fourth downloaded set of curves then click OK. Keep it at Normal 100%. (Depending on your image you may want to change the opacity.) Create a new layer, fill with #e6e4cd, set to Multiply 100%. And you're done. :D Perhaps add a little bit of text~

[If used textless or text'ed; credit ladylenne or lostfaithdesign]

Feel free to ask questions.
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