I suppose time for an update

Aug 16, 2005 20:46

I don't update too often, mostly cause no one really ever cares or comments....oh well moving on.

I've got pink eye! OMDG!!!!!!!!!!!!! This sucks so much....I wasn't aloud to go back to work after my doctors appointment today cause of it too.....that bites. I got stuck at home from like 12:15pm til now....dude you have NO idea how completely out side of my mind I went. I about cried. I'm not really used to having to sit at home and be bored during the day much anymore. So yeah, I stayed here, watched T.V. ate my cookie dough (yay for cookie dough mini me), started designing again, and that's 'bout it. Not so much else happened.....okay well not so much that I can mention on here anyways.

Hell, there is so much going on in my life that I would love to just shout at the top of my lungs....but I can't...no wait, I won't. There are many people in or once in my life who wouldn't apperciate it. So I choose not to. Not to mention, if there realyl is anything too significant that people need to know, they already know. I keep my friends who actually want to know what's goin on in the loop, where as my friends who only "want" to know are only updated with cliff notes.

So yeah, guess that's it......other than a minor plea. I have a friends, he knows who he is, who isn't talking to me...and I would like it if he would, because I would very much like to keep the friendship..... but if he is choosing to end the friendship, I would apperciate it if he would tell me so. Cause I'm not going begging on my hands and knees or caving to him anymore...those days are history.
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