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The movie Juno has made a large empact on my thinking recently, which is strange because i dont usually dig new movies.
This movie kind of hits my spot in the universe because it story...except for the pregnancy part obviously. im talking about the relationship between juno and bleeker. if you knew me, you'd know right off that im alot like juno, and zack is alot like bleeker. i havent told a ton of people this, but it took until our junior year of high school to get together. one of my best friends...amanda brine--known as _piano_wire
here helped bring us together which was the nicest thing that a friend has ever done for me. but like juno, we got together much later than we could have. zack is alot like bleeker in the sense that hes quiet, idiosyncric, cute, and has a similar way about him. he loves the hell outta me.
im like a toned down juno, still a little sarcastic and critical...but you get the picture. with juno and i , there is something alot of people dont get. yeah, we have a rough edge, (im alotttt more quieter than her) but i think thats b/c juno and i have both been through so much pain. i dont always have it in me to be uber nice. i think im alot nicer than most people, but zack sees this juno side of me. and i guess i see it too. juno and bleekers relationship remindes me of zack and i so thats where it hit home the most and made me so happy. i cried during this movie.
well...heres a clip from the movie. to watch the entire thing..go to