Over Futile Odds, 4/?

Nov 19, 2011 16:49

Title: What Is There That Matters?
Pairing: Kurt/Dave
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, Romance/Drama, Smut, MPreg
Warnings: bareback sexv
Summary: Based off this anonymous glee kink meme prompt.

Kurt was well aware that, yes, infidelity definitely does not fix a crumbling marriage. It’s unlawful and immoral, and if anyone finds out, Blaine and Kurt’s very rich families will not be pleased. But with someone like Dave sweeping him off his feet (also, satisfying his seemingly insatiable appetite for raw sex)? Kurt’s only human, after all…

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, and any similarity to real life situations/other stories is purely coincidental.

a/n: An update?! Is this real life?! Ya bet it is! So um I hope you enjoy this, that you're still keeping track (re-read ftw!) and that you leave a comment, con-crit or w/e :D

Also looking for a beta. Hit me up!

Dave halts moving the haystack "See me? Need me to move or fix anything for you? Just don't ask me to fuck you, yeah? I'm not paid to do that yet." He spat and stormed into the stable with a pail of water.">
With no hesitation, Kurt hurriedly opens the sliding door to let Dave in. The breeze of cold outside proves to be as extreme as Dave's trembling limbs makes it seem to be. As soon as he shut the door back, he runs to the closet to grab thick towels to wrap Dave in. He leads Dave to a love seat by the corner of the room that boasts of a flat screen, Scarlet O'Hara's face frozen in mid-sentence.

Kurt stands up, pacing back and forth while fiddling with his fingers. They swim in silence for a minute until Kurt halts right in front of Dave to ask the first thing he should have asked.

"What are you doing here at this time of the night?"

Dave is taken aback, at a sudden loss for words, his mouth gaped open and eyes in wide confusion.

"Don't give me that look, of course I'm going to ask you that! You come creeping up in the middle of the night from my terrace. That's not normal." He crosses his arms as he waits for Dave to catch up.

Dave bows lightly, searching for answers in his head. "I---uh, I'm not sure. I couldn't sleep. And then I..."

Kurt raises his hand to interrupt. "You have 5 minutes left to explain yourself."

"Dude, why are you being so flippant?" Dave shoots back, he huffs and rakes his curls with his palms as he covered his face to sigh.

Kurt flinched for a while, but as he catches himself he raises his chest in defiance. "I am not. Simply asking a question. Besides, you work for me. It's all sort of wrong for you to talk to me that way."

"We slept together, sir." Dave muses with sarcasm as he looks up. "I'm not that sure, sir, but I think you can't be the voice of reason in this."

"Don't!" Kurt exclaims with a stomp of his foot, hands clenched tightly on his sides. "You can't turn this all on me. And why are you bringing this up?"

"I need to know." Dave sighs deeply. "This whole thing is fucking my mind and at first I thought I just liked you but now----"

"It's just sex, Dave. We got off, now it's time to get over it. I'm a married person. We can't be." He ends with a groan, before collecting himself. He walks near the window sill to stare outside, finding out that slamming Dave with the man right before him is painful. "I'm pretty sure Constance shot me an accusing glare after she cleaned the kitchen.floor."

"So... you're worried about the kitchen floor?" Dave frowns. He really couldn't see if that was meant as a joke or a fact.

Kurt turns to Dave dramatically, each word punctuated with a step closer to him. "I'm worried that everyone finds out! Do you have any idea what it will do for my family's reputation? Do you know what I'd lose if this got out?"

"Why are you being like this?"

"Because you seem to be oblivious to that fact. And I look at you know and... it's pathetic. There's that hope in you eyes teenage girls get when their impossibly perfect teacher smiles at them. I'm that, Dave. I'm just your fantasy. You got one time to fuck me, and now it's done."

By the end of his rant he's ran out of breath. But Dave, seeing all the emotion in display, simply shakes his head.

"You have witty comparisons, but I don't remember that being like that, Kurt."

"I think you're confused, is all."

He gets on his feet swiftly, leaving a foot of distance between them. "You came on to me! When it was obvious that I was attracted to you. You saw that chance, knew I wouldn't pass up on it. If you didn't wanna take the blame, you don't have to. We both have a fault on it, alright?"

"Fine. Okay. So what do you want from me now?"

"I went here wanting to convince you to take a chance on me... but after this? We quit now before it grows. Before we do something even more stupid that we'll regret." Dave almost whispers the last few words. It was almost as if he believed that saying it out that way would make it hurt less. Yet the pain he saw in Kurt's eye was enough proof that he was wrong.

For a fleeting moment, he wanted to change his mind. He wants Dave, and at the moments they were together the other man had made him feel things he could never find words to describe. But he swallows, and with tears prickling at the back of his lids he replies, "I don't disagree."

Kurt moves out of Dave's way, with his fist tightly clenched on his sides and looking at anything but back at Dave.

In a blink Dave is back out in the cold. Kurt quietly sits down and wraps himself up with the towel Dave just use, noticing that the deep musk of the man had easily clung on to the fabric. And as he pressed play with the remote on the television, the scene he was last watching continued.

Scarlett is pleading, her gleaming eyes saying it all. "Rhett, if you go, where shall I go? What shall I do?"

And before Rhett walks away into the fog, leaving the people to imagine what happens to him next he answers, "Frankly, my, dear, I don't give a damn."

Streams of tears wash over his gloom as he watches on. Just like Scarlett he asks himself: What is there that matters?


Facing the next few days proved to be too difficult for Kurt. It seemed like fate had wanted to piss him off with the fact that every day, he manages to find himself in a situation with Dave. In all the years that he's lived in a palatial place, he knows it's not rare to not see someone the entire day even if you move in the same area. But like yesterday and the other day, he had to ask Dave to carry the clothes he was sending off to a charity for the homeless. And the day before those, he had to make Dave attach a new rod on his walk-in closet. All of those would have been avoided if their houseboy Thomas hadn't gone on a week-long leave after a foot injury.

Just like right now, he has to check on Dodge and there is no way Dave wouldn't be there this time. It is close to night time, usually around the time his ride around the estate would end. But of course he's been skipping them. The light of day was fading, a hint of the dark masking the shadows of who he knows would be Dave, as he approaches the stable.

Dave was busy with stacking up the untouched hay Dodge and the other horses didn't finish when the sight of Kurt catches his peripheral vision. He could already tell the man is nervous, a little pale and lightly shaking as he approached him. Dave kept doing his task, heaven forbid his boss catches him lazing around. That's been made clear to him after all the work he's being made to do here aside from the gamekeeper that he is: he's paid to run errands and nothing more.

"You need anything sir?" he finds himself saying it as he doesn't pause to look at Kurt.

Kurt fiddles with his collar before nervously quipping, "I---uh, I just wanted to see you...."

Dave halts moving the haystack "See me? Need me to move or fix anything for you? Just don't ask me to fuck you, yeah? I'm not paid to do that yet." He spat and stormed into the stable with a pail of water.
Shocked, Kurt is left with his mouth wide open. There was no way he was going to let this happen. No way is anyone going to talk to him that way! Has Dave forgotten who he's talking to?

He follows Dave into the stable, who he finds is pouring water into a tan mare's bowl. "I come in here, trying to be civil after I've walked on eggshells for days because of you. And see what you do? You brush me off like you're better than me!"

Dave storms out on the back door of the stable, intending to enter the makeshift forest of the estate where his shed is. But before he can really leave, Kurt is blocking his way and shoves him against the wooden wall.

"No! I'm trying here, Dave! You're not being fair---"
Kurt is taken aback, as Dave flipped their positions and he's left with his back against wood instead.

"I don't want your high-brow bullshit, Kurt. I'm not gonna treat you like crap like Blaine does to you. I won't ever! But I'm not gonna take your shit either. That night, you didn't even give me time to say what I wanted to say. You just...." He trails off, no longer able to look at Kurt straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." He gently caresses Dave's right cheek with the pad of his fingers. "That night... I just talked to Blaine and he made me feel so bad about myself that I.... I resented that I found comfort in you because it's wrong. I'm a married man, Dave... this isn't right."

As Dave slowly met his eyes, his breath ends up trapped in his throat. The bigger man's eyes are pooling of unshed tears. Their lips meet in the softest of all kisses, like they were afraid one of them would break. And, Kurt thinks as he tilts his head to slightly suck on Dave's probing tongue, that it's probably true. Dave came in his life at a point where he was about to break, to become a person he wasn't: submissive and apologetic with no confidence. And now Dave's here, and he was here too. Wrong is wrong, it doesn't change the feeling Kurt gets when he's with Dave. It felt amazingly right, in all the ways.

Kurt pulled off long enough to speak, with their foreheads resting on each other's. "I do want you. It wasn't just sex, and we both knew it.... I guess I'm just, so scared."

A small smile cracked on Dave's lips. "You have nothing to be scared of. I want you too. I won't break you."

Their mouths meet in another kiss, still as gentle but deeper. Dave tugs off their clothes as Kurt held on around his neck with his arms. Soon they are skin to skin, their skin prickling with the cold draft. He lifts Kurt up, with his muscular arms holding on to Kurt with his smooth thighs. He brushes their wanting cock together, the sensation making him moan so low and quiet. It takes him some time to realize Kurt is halting his moves, and he stops even if he's painfully hard.

Kurt sucks on his thumb, slicking it up well before he slides it into his open hole. "I couldn't stop thinking of you."

Dave is in disbelief, gulping before he could muster up enough wits to ask, "You've prepped yourself before you went here?"

Kurt playfully grins at how flustered he's made Dave look. "M-hmm. I had hoped things would be in favor of me." He grabs his pants for a moment, and pulled out a packet of lube from his pocket. He rips it open with his teeth, and spreads it in Dave's shaft. Dave is groaning now, with the cold of the lube in contrast with the warmth of their bodies.

Slowly, Dave is entering him. Kurt buries his face in Dave's chest, wailing as each push of a massive dick moving inside him hits the right nerves. Their rhythm should be slow and animalistic, because of the inexplicable amount of want they had for each other. But this wasn't just fucking. This was something more that Kurt would deal with later on. At that moment, every slick move was causing him to lose is sanity. The ecstasy of each pump is exquisite. The tiny splints from the wall should bother him, but all he feel is the parts of him that is touching Dave. In a couple of thrusts, Kurt comes with Dave's hand pumping his cock. He lets his come slide down to his thighs, as Dave kept fucking him deep and hard. His dick is starting to feel oversensitized, but Dave let's out a long  and low moan, so loud he was pretty sure other people could have heard it. They cling on to each other panting, riding out their orgasms with kisses and a smile on their face.

They just really, really miss each other.


He gets a visit from Burt the following morning. They've always settled with sharing a meal or wandering around the garden or by the side of the lake. But today, instead of making their resident mechanic fix up a knock on one of their SUV's, Kurt asks his father if they could fix it up together--- just like they used to before getting greased up in his threads became a concern.

The clouds hid the rays of the sun, and it was a perfect time to spend fixing the car outside of their garage.

"Ugh, those WCC guys from tv should come busting through my door any second. I love doing this with you dad, don't get me wrong. But look," he shows his right hand smeared in slick oil, a wrench in his hand also as dirty.

"Yes, but I know it ain't too different from when you insisted to get Mary Poppins as your nanny, but asking for one with long hair."

He bursts out laughing at the memory. He still could play it on his head perfectly. After his mother made him watch The Sound of Music, it had to be played three to five times a day for him. One time as he was singing the songs around the house, his nanny Carlita jokingly suggested the idea, because she was too old to run after hima and pretend to perform musicals with him. He  begged and cried and did all that he thought would convince his parents, but his mother had to repeatedly remind him that Mary Poppins only existed in the movies. There were moments that he felt so mature and knowing, but then he remembers his misadventures as a child and he can't help but think that it wouldn't be so bad to be juvenile at times.

He finds that his dad was smiling at him, seemingly just observant of his perked-up mood. "Looks like you're feeling so much better than the last time, son. That's the cheer-up I wanted to see. Keep being happy." Burt leans in to try and mess up Kurt's hair but fails as Kurt playfully swats his Dad's hand.

He is distracted as he spots Dave from the meadow afar, walking with a shotgun tucked against him. He didn't seem to be aware that Kurt had a view of him, but Kurt still smiled at the thoughts of having Dave to wrap his body around in; the way their eyes never got tired of memorizing each other's faces.

"I am.", he answers to his father, but also mostly to himself; the questions of doubt and fear slowly crippling away.

kurt/karofsky, over futile odds

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