Title - Of Fiery Swords and Pretty Damsels
Rating - G
Characters - Mohinder, Molly
Challenge -
heroes15, 02. Laughter
Spoilers/Warnings - Up through 1.23 "How to Stop an Exploding Man"
Summary - Her laughter bounces off the walls of his cavernous apartment.
Disclaimer - I don't own "Heroes." I'm just borrowing these characters. :)
Her laughter bounces off the walls of his cavernous apartment. It is easy to forget not long ago she was so sick she could not walk and she lay in a room with pink decals, but at its heart, it was a blue cave meant more for imprisoning than healing.
She smiles and laughs now, telling him stories of people she sees on the street - he knows not if they are true or not, but each day he spends with her, he feels the ice around his heart begin to melt, and he finds himself smiling and laughing with her.
At night, they snuggle together and read stories of fairy princesses with their handsome princes that come and save them from their towers with magic swords, and each and every night when he tucks her in she calls him her handsome prince and he calls her his beautiful princess.
One day, the smiles stop and the laughter than once rang throughout the apartment stills, and when he asks her what is wrong, she cuddles in his arms and whispers about the bad man that can see her. “But you’ll protect me right?” her voice quiet and child-like, and her big round doll eyes ask more than her words.
“Of course, I will; you’re my princess.” She smiles weakly, and he kisses her forehead and clutches her closer, praying he can protect her and that one day they will go riding off into the sunset, safe from the dragons and fires of their past, and they will live happily ever after like the princes and princesses in their stories.
Feedback is love!