Title - Tears to Wash Away the Dead
Rating - PG-13
Pairing - HRG/Hana Gitelmann
Spoilers/Warnings - Up through 1.20 "Five Years Gone" and a good majority of the comics
Inspired by -
1sentence, set Epsilon
Summary - His feelings are wrong like her mutation: not really at all and only to those who refuse to understand.
Disclaimer - I still don't own "Heroes;" I'm just playing with the different characters.
A/N - Let me explain this pairing, I understand our knowledge of Hana is pretty much non-existent, but I thought it was interesting that she was working with HRG, added into the fact that Claire mentioned that Mrs. Bennet had left, well, this is what you get.
01. Motion
The sweeping motion of his coat as Parkman entered their sanctuary set him on edge; nothing good would come from his visit.
02. Cool
Parkman stands a mere foot away, and a single slip will cost her, him, them, everything, but when the paper turns a cool blue, she stands tall, only his hand on her back keeping her sturdy.
03. Young
She curls into the fetal position on the bed, her fear reducing her into a woman he has never seen - so much younger than the one she is.
04. Last
She tries not to recall the last time she let fear overwhelm her; she thinks it was the last time someone held her like he did that night.
05. Wrong
His feelings are wrong like her mutation: not really at all and only to those who refuse to understand.
06. Gentle
His gentle words lull her overwrought body to sleep, and when she wakes in the morning (screaming and clawing against him), she wishes they had reached her soul too.
07. One
By the time night falls, he wonders if he will ever see her vulnerable again, if she will ever hold onto him like he was the one thing left in her world.
08. Thousand
She knows a thousand ways to thank him, but she chooses the simplest one because she fears any of the other nine hundred and ninety-nine would imply something she is not ready to admit.
09. King
Routine returns, and with it, the dream of being the king to her queen fades farther from his mind.
10. Learn
She learns more from the reports she reads than she’ll ever tell him; he deserves some peace, however false it may be.
11. Blur
Pain, fear and loneliness all blur the days together, yet some days she brings everything into clear focus, with a quiet laugh and knowing smile.
12. Wait
She never used to wait; waiting implies trust; as she sits outside the building, she wonders when she began to trust him.
13. Change
It is unperceivable at first; a change so subtle that only when it comes to its sweeping crescendo does he realizes it has even started.
14. Command
She gives him the controls, her heart in her throat, pulse racing wildly - even now wondering if it is wise for him to command.
15. Hold
He holds all of her in his hands now, but she still does not know that she holds him as well.
16. Need
Need was always for lesser creatures, until the day she feels all the weight fall onto her shoulders, and she goes to him so he can take it away - a need more primal than anything she has yet experienced.
17. Vision
The future he saw all those years ago was not at all like it is today, and he’ll never tell her, but he prefers the one he envisioned.
18. Attention
There is a new degree to the attention he pays to her, and she would be lying if she said she was not flattered.
19. Soul
She proves him correct: two souls do not meet by chance but rather come together in need and darkness.
20. Picture
The smile he gives her is only recognizable from the pictures sitting on the mantle of him with his daughter.
21. Fool
Only in the darkness of the night, where she breathes evenly and softly next to him, does he wonder if she plays him even now for a fool.
22. Mad
She keeps her temper in check most of the time, but every time he hands one of them over a burst of fury and pain ripples under her skin.
23. Child
Children are the worst; and even when they are dangerous, he tries to protect them.
24. Now
Every day she tries to live up to the past that he often accuses her of not experiencing with him now.
25. Shadow
A shadow haunts him as surely as one haunts her, which makes it easier when tears wet his face at night to find solace in sympathetic arms.
26. Goodbye
She jealously watches him say goodbye (again), and never finds the nerve to tell him how lucky is he that he gets to say goodbye every time.
27. Hide
He hides her from the world, to protect her he claims, but he sometimes thinks his motives are more selfish than that.
28. Fortune
Curled next to him at night watching the raids, she thanks the lord for all her fortune in finding him.
29. Safe
If he could give her one thing, he would give her the safety and security that her life has never known.
30. Ghost
She lives between them are surely as a ghost follows her footsteps, her sunshine laugh and golden hair bathing him in light as surely as swallowed screams and blinding blood shroud her in darkness.
31. Book
She symbolizes unorthodoxy to him; the day he threw out the book, she walked into him life and he has never bothered to find it again.
32. Eye
Every time they go places together, she feels like the public judges them, and when he turns her into his shoulder, she is secretly pleased he does not see what she does.
33. Never
He learned to say never again when she tells him that she loves him the first time.
34. Sing
When she catches him singing softly to himself, she wonders how they can live in a world full of such fear, pain and optimism.
35. Sudden
The tears of joy when he hands over the cash and a new life turn around his day every time.
36. Stop
She sometimes wishes that he would just stop long enough for her to keep up.
37. Time
Days and months tick by with her here, but he wonders how much longer until she has gone (dead or left), and he is left alone in time.
38. Wash
More and more reports come in about the ones they have lost, and she foolishly thinks that their tears might wash away the pain.
39. Torn
He could protect her, guarantee that she would always be safe, if he could only give up protecting everyone else for her - sacrifice the world for his love.
40. History
She hears the whispers of his betrayal that her love has blinded her, but their past keeps her alert and his love keeps her strong.
41. Power
The president seeks more and more power over all of them, and he lies awake at night wondering how he could harm his own kind and kin.
42. Bother
He has been bothered for days and the only response she evokes is a soft kiss to her temple before he wanders off, and his distance concerns her more than the proliferation raids.
43. God
He would have given up on God years ago if she had not walked into his life - even with her, he considers that it all may be a lie anyway.
44. Wall
He has built the wall so successfully that even her tears and screams hardly dent his solemn exterior.
45. Naked
He watches her cry and his heart breaks; he wishes that to protect her he did not have to leave her lying naked out in the cold.
46. Drive
It is late one night when she finally drives home the point that her love for him overcomes all his past deception.
47. Harm
All he wants is to stop all of this and protect her, his daughter and his unborn baby from the harm of this life, but she will not let him and so each day he worries what new danger will threaten them next.
48. Precious
She never understood his paternal instinct before (she saw it as his one flaw), but the life inside her explains his actions more clearly than his words ever could.
49. Hunger
There is hunger in Hiro’s eyes, a hunger that unsettles him and signals nothing but danger, and he sends for Parkman; it is his last trick to protect his family - God he hopes he does it right.
50. Believe
There is a gun to her forehead, cold steel held by a man he sent for, and in the seconds before the gun clicks, she uses her powers for the last time - a text message plainly reading: I always believed in you.
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