Sep 14, 2005 17:42
I'm listening to one of Seth's 3 new songs available to me. It is making me happy. Seth makes me happy. :) lol, he's so cool. I just e-mailed Mike. He is cool too. And so are Lauren, Laida, and Isaac. Yay.
Lol, I have made so many new friends. I was so scared that after the 2006 class graduated I would have no friends left. But I was wrong. I have some of the best friends now that I've had so far at this school. Like not just aquantances, or people that I pass in the hall and occasionally hug, these are people that I look forward to seeing constantly. I love it.
God Seth's voice is so amazing. That was an amazing part of that song. OMG! That was an amazing note!!!!! lol, I've never heard this before.
Today and yesterday were amazing days. I've been getting a ride with Josh lately and I think I'm going to continue that for the rest of the year. I know that means leaving Elizabeth on the bus and I feel really bad but she's gonna start driving soon and it'll be okay.
Yesterday I auditioned for Lysistrata, a play about women in Greece who get together and decide to refuse to have sex with their husbands until they stop the war. There's alot of penis jokes in it. It's gonna be so amazing. I'm in the chorus which means I get to sing and dance and do random people. And that doesn't sound like that big of a deal but soooo many people auditioned and there are only like, 14 parts. 4 girls chorus and 4 boys chorus, and like 6 real parts. And dammit I did well. I was scared shitless when I went in there and I have never acted before in my entire life and I was scared because he stopped me like 3 times and made me start again. Lol, but it was fun. I've never been in a play before.
For the past 3 days including today, I have been auditioning for Azaashe, the African company, and Catalyst, the everything company. I know I totally bombed Catalyst, especially because I didn't prepare a solo, I just made something up on the spot (improvy moderny balletish). But all in all I don't think I did too bad. Way better than last year. And African, I think I did really well in. But that doesn't explain the fact that I don't feel like I have a shot. They're not taking many people and there are already so many that are DEFINATELY going to get in not only because they are good but also because they are best friends with the company people. So only 5 people max are going to get in, more like 2 or 3. But that's alright, because I worked my HARDEST. I normally wouldn't be able to say that. But I really did try.
I bet Seth $10 he would make it into R&B group, at best for vocals, or at second best for piano. He's such a moron. The kid is a musical prodigy and he thinks he's not going to get in. And his freaking teacher is the one running the audition! He's 100% going to get in. I just made $10. I should have gone for $20.
So that's life lately. And it's treating me pretty well. I'm really proud of myself. Those auditions took a lot of guts. And I'll find out tomorrow just how much guts I wasted out there on the dance room floor.