Oct 04, 2008 17:55
So this is my first journal entry since i have been in college i think. How crazy is that? I went from being an every day blogger to not blogging at all. My life went from just writing my life down and getting my story out there to just spending all my time wrapped up in my friends on facebook and myspace. How sad is that?
So, so far this college year i have managed to be stressed about everthing i possibly can. Just let me list it out,
Im on a phone plan with my best friend and she keeps going over her minutes and into mine and i dont use but maybe like 200 minutes but i pay for 700.
I dont make enought money to cover my phone bill, let alone live. Im starting to take money out of what i was saving for next semester (which really makes me feel like a failour-yes im sure i spelled that wrong)
I have a spending problem, i dont spend alot all at once, i spend a little each day when i dont need to be spending at all. I just think i need it for some reason.
Im getting no financial assistance from my parents, they dont even pay for my school. For once i would like to be able to say that my family helps me out with school. All of my friends parents pay for their education and cars and gas and all that jazz. My parents dont. And im not mad at them because of it or anything. I just think it would be nice. It acctually makes me feel very good about my self to say that my parents dont pay for the very air that i breath. Where im from, thats just not normal.
Im missing all my old friends. I spend so much time with my newly found ones that i honestly have NO time for the old ones. I keep saying that i am going to visit them and yet i never get the chance. That stinks
Im so busy that my hw always gets done last. I spend so much time hanging out that i dont even do my homework early enough to avoid stress. I feel like i always put my hw off, and that im a bad student.
I dont have a love life! Im not stressing about this one. Im acctually happy that im not depending on a man for my happiness. I love being single, it would be nice to have a bf but oh honey after that last one, im not rushing anything.
I think i need to change who i am. I dont like having the typical attitude thing going on. Im not ghetto by any means, im just stubborn and a realist.
I dont have roommate problems. I acctually love my roommate. I dont think we have alot in common but she is really cool and our ethnic backgrounds are the same. So we were pretty much raised very similar. This means more than i could have ever imagined, i fit in and its great. So when i talk about my hair or turn on a black comedian, there is no awkwardness.
I dont really have any crushes on anyone. Well maybe one crush, but that started like yesterday so it doesnt count. It doenst mean anything cuz it will never work out. His parents would flip and he is cares to much what his parents think.
Okay, now that i have given the spill on my life, i think i must go write this paper. I heart you all for reading this! feel free to comment with your insite!!
college day one