Apr 20, 2008 21:00
The assigned chores are... a little weird, I think. I mean, it's not that I mind mine, unlike some people seem to, given the complaints, but... It's just not what I would have expected, you know?
My dorm is still fairly empty aside from Akutsu-san, but I'm sure there'll be more people soon desu~
I've already filled several pages of my sketchbook. Maybe because there's not that much else to do, here. Especially since those bastards confiscated most of my manga. Too violent and sexual my ass. It's fairly quiet around here, don't you think?
And... ano... anyone missing a pen? For some reason I seem to have one that's not mine desu...
(OOC: As is the default on Dan's journal, strikes deleted.)
missing things,
st. jonas