Aug 20, 2005 21:50
PUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! i feel so SADIST today :] i saw this spider in the to the toilet...and i got this idea. ^^" so i got the paper towel roll (no paper left) and scooped the spider...and dumped it in the toilet water...MUAHAHA *laughs evilly* and i was watching it for around 5 was underwater the whole entire time and still didnt die....oO amazingly... and then i got bored of it not dying..and i flushed it down the toilet...and i hope he goes to spider heaven...cuz i think if he goes to spider gonna have huge spiders chasing me in my dreams. oO lol
anyways. on a happier note.. i finally got the go shopping...first for the entire summer *faints* and i bought a whole entire outfit...for less than $50. or around that much...i feel good duhnuhnuhnuhnuh i feel good duhnuhnuh nuhn uh so good dun dun YAH! ok
i hope i see everyone on orientation day!!