May 25, 2006 15:01
1. Cigarette: nahh
2. Sex: yes please
3. Relationship: nothing good comes your way when your looking for it
4. Your Last Ex: fun/uncomfterble
5. Power rangers: mighty morphin
6. Marijuana: alright alright alright
7. Crack: plumbers, clogged drains
8. Food: just ate
9. This President: dumbass
10. War: guns
11. Cars: crappy
12. Gas Prices: wish my bike worked
13. Halloween: best party's
14. Bon Jovi: awesomely bad music
15. Religion: bullshit
16. MySpace: the devil
17. Worst Fear: never ammounting to anything
18. Marriage: maybe
19. Fashion: jeans and t shirt
20. Brunettes: i say i like brunettes, but i never end up with them
21. Redheads: donna pinciotti
22: Work: worst part of my week
23: Pass the time: tv
24: One night Stands: temporary happiness
26: Pet Peeve: bad parking
27: Pixie Stix: legalized cocaine
28: Vanilla Ice Cream: good stuff
29: Porta Potties: tip em over
30: High school: over
31: Pajamas: naked
32. Wood: boners?
33. Surfers: not in michigan
34. Pictures: awesome
35. First Love: ill let you know