I'm so busy. All the time. Almost falling behind in classes, it doesn't help how poorly organized my classes are, I really don't want to be at UH anymore, just not a well setup school. Falling behind socially for sure, Lauren I'm so sorry for not being able to deliver you a similarly tasty gift to yous at a time anywhere near your actual birthday. I suxxor =(.
On an aside, there's something amazing about the lyrics "So clean me off, I'm so dirty babe" represented through violin.
I've begun to wonder where imagination comes from. The latest Pahlaniuk book said that we teach kids things like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, these ridiculous fables, these little lies, in order to instill imagination into a person.
It's a strange thought to think that if you never told your child a story they would never have an imagination, and I'm curious as to what kind of person they'd grow to be, although these kinds of sick and twisted manipulations of a person are all good in theory, I don't want to be responsible for breaking a person, no Katy Angel of Death for you.
I believe that imagination falls into that same category of amazing things our brains do as language. The fascinating thing about language is that it takes an image that I have in my head, that I can see very vividly, and by making sounds with my throat, you can picture a same, if not identical image in your head (assuming you can relate to the same things that I'm relating it to).
When you're told a story, you're imagining the events, when you try to calculate the location of electron orbitals around a molecule you're imagining what the atom looks like, telling directions you imagine what you would be doing if you were in their position. This is the dividing line between creativity and imagination. Everyone has an imagination, it's not limited to those who are left or right brained like the artsy fartsy people might have you believe. It's more like a practical and a creative imagination.
Imagine (har har) not being able to imagine, I'm not sure if you could interpret anything around you as anything more than a recognition of the objects. Hell you might not even be able to distinguish something edible from a rock, imagination might just be the root of our entire being.
Instead of trying to create a person without any sense of imagination, I'd rather try and instill the most imagination into a person as possible, the ability to just imagine a concept, growing into a grasping of it. That's the trick of raising kids I think, you've gotta give them an imagination, my biggest personal goal (while it should be something intelligent like beocming confident in myself) is to be able to tell a good story. To be able to excite imagination in a person is the most beautiful dream I could imagine.
Cause it's funneh. Jacky wants me to zip all these tributes I have, and I'll get around to it soon and I'll put it on LJ cause i know at least Taylor's probably a bit intrigued but. . .
Dead! - Piano Rocks (on "My Chemical Romance: A Piano tribute")