Title: Stupid
Author: Merlin's Sister
E-mail: michemerlin1@aol.com
Rating: G
Disclaimers: The Stargate:Atlantis characters are owned by the almighty MGM. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Pairing: Sheppard/Heightmeyer
Archive: Just ask.
Summary: John realises how stupid he is.
Feedback: Always welcome.
Spoilers: None.
Author's notes 1: You see I was wondering why I found it hard to het ship John. I tried him in my head with all the female characters I could think of with nothing clicking. Until I got to Kate. What can I say? Minority ships and me just go hand in hand. And these two would be so pretty together.
Author's notes 2: As with all these sudden bursts of writing it's completely unbetaed, so bizarre spelling and phrasing completely down to me.
Fluffiness this way!