Title: Five Times John and Elizabeth Don't Dance Together, and One Time They Do
Author: Catherine (
Rating: PG
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Characters: John, Elizabeth, Ford, Rodney, Ronon, Teyla
Prompt: For
otl_fest (Elizabeth Weir: One True Leader Fic Fest) #62. Elizabeth/John - We're fools whether we dance or not, so might as well dance. Japanese Proverb
Spoilers: Up through end season two, then AUish.
Disclaimer: Just borrowing!
Summary: He thinks about it, but the only thing he really wants (from her) seems like a gift too precious to demand.
AN/Beta: Much thanks to
multicolour and
tenacious_err for beta'ing/prodding me with sticks. ♥
here @
sail_your_sea --
Also be sure to check out
otl_fest! We've gotten several really wonderful fics so far, and will have more in soon! Additionally, if you'd like to claim a prompt and participate, you're still welcome to do so. The "official" deadline is August 10th, but if you claim one now we'd be happy to give you an extension. So head on over the the
prompts/claims page and check it out! :)