Category: Fic
Title: End of the Search
Characters: John Sheppard, Torren J. Emmagen
Pairing: one-sided John/Teyla
Summary: a short fic of John’s musing
sakurablue13 Beta: the magnificent
tielanWord Count: 579
Disclaimer: just borrowing them to have some fun
A/N: I intended to participate in two different challenges;
sg_rarepairings' 2009 Ficathon prompt #437 featuring John & Torren with a picture of a floating paper boat and
sga_beya's February Challenge Different Kinds of Love ‘Search of Love’ prompt. But, as usual, my timing sucks. My editor from the publishing gave tight deadlines on my translating and I got an extra class to handle. So I decided to put up the two prompts into one fic and here it is. Critics and comments are so very welcomed. Cheers! ^^
End of the Search)