Title: Defense Mechanism (complete)
ED_84Pairing/Characters: Sheppard/Weir, Carson, Caldwell, Lorne, Teyla, Rodney, Ronon
Summary: While John is still recovering in treatment from the Iratus bug retrovirus, another incident with Elizabeth leads to long-standing repercussions in their relationship.
Rating: NC-17.
Warnings: Conversion kink - as in reptilian!John. graphic sex. angst.
Spoilers: Conversion
Disclaimer: SGA does not belong to me
Author's Note: Yes, I'm done! *does a little jig* Many, many thanks to
IRONY_ROCKS, who spent so much time helping me brainstorm and plot and write that she practically co-authored this fic! Your input was invaluable, and thank you for enabling. If it wasn't for you, I doubt I would have had the courage and motivation to attempt a fic of this nature and length. ;)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6