FIC: Morning, Sheppard/Heightmeyer, PG

Oct 04, 2009 15:20

Title: Morning
Author: Merlin's Sister
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: The Stargate:Atlantis characters are owned by the almighty MGM. Just borrowing them for a bit of fun. No point in suing me anyway. I work in the public sector.
Pairing: Sheppard/Heightmeyer
Archive: Just ask.
Summary: John finds a way of telling Kate how he feels.
Feedback: Always welcome.
Author's notes: This fic is inspired by the song ‘Getting Up With You’ by The Yeah You’s. Author's notes 2: As with all these sudden bursts of writing it's completely unbetaed, so bizarre spelling and phrasing completely down to me.

Dance this way for fic

merlin's sister

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