Title: The Undone Years
vain_glorious Summary: A head injury changes Sheppard's reality.
Type / Pairings: SGA/SG-1 crossover, Het, m/f pairings. Prompt was Sheppard/Teyla.
Main characters: Sheppard, Teyla
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~45,600
Spoilers: SGA through 5X01, SG-1 whole series.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Author's Notes: We'll-Always-Have-Pegasus Prompt: John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan - a balanced ending (or beginning) between Pegasus and Earth, and hope for the future? Apologies to the prompter for how Gen this is, and apologies to Gen readers for how Het this is. Sorry also for being 2 months late. Feedback is delicious.
The Undone Years