Jun 20, 2004 01:07
Hmmm.....I saw Dodgeball today with Kim. Fucking hillarious I tell you, and don't forget to stay after the credits if you see it too. Both of us had a craving for some fried donuts after the movie and since we hadn't had anything really to eat all day we went to The Grand Buffet where the food today was sub par from usual. How dissappointing. Went back to my house where Kim was trying to make me late for work (If you're reading this then you've probably got a dirty mind, figure it out, but I will not go into any more detail then that). Work wasn't too bad tonight. Whenever we weren't doing anything I would be joking around with this guy Phil, so I wasn't enitirely bored at work. Ummm.....after work I went home to change and I was off to see Kim at work where I picked up these Pull-Up diapers coloring books which are amusing at best. Once they finally closed Food Lion I was dissapointed at best to find out that instead of being able to spend the last 30 minutes or so before her curfew with her I had to take her directly home so she could clean the house. I decided to go over to Wal-Mart to check out the lamps they have (Oh!! I forgot to mention that yesterday I finally got my futon and spent all my time before going to work re-arranging my room) since my one lamp doesn't light as much of my room as it once did. I thought by the time I got back she would be online like she said, but that was about 30 minutes ago....