Aug 27, 2006 11:48
I love Firefox, but one thing that bugs me a little...
Tabs are great, and it's great to click on a link with the scrolly wheel and have it open in a new tab. However, it's just a little too convenient to click on the tab with the scrolly wheel to close it again. Especially if you then realise you hadn't clicked the link with the scrolly wheel and you've now lost the page you intended to go back to. The quickest way to get back is to press Ctrl+H and find the page in the history, but the page you get back has lost all the back button history.
There's an Undo option on the Edit menu, but it only seems to allow you to undo changes in a text box. Wouldn't it be nice if it could be used to undo mistakes like accidently closing a tab? Wouldn't it be nice if you could close a tab, then press Ctrl+Z and get it back with all the history intact?
Searches for Firefox suggestion form...